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Explore our blog for expert tips and tricks to keep your home safe, stylish, and protected throughout the year!
Roof Trends Over the Last Century
Back when homes were explicitly meant for shelter and staying alive, the roof was vital in keeping people warm, dry, and safe from the elements. Today, different roofing materials are a design aspect of the exterior of a home. We've done some research and discovered what roofing trends were popular from the 1920s to today, 2021. Learning about why a roof type was popular in its time is unique because trends come and go, but some of these trends are still seen on newly constructed homes to this day!
Benefits of Installing Gutter Guards
Gutter guards are a protective cover installed on top of gutters to stop leaves and other debris from getting in and causing blockages. Many different types of guards can leave homeowners wondering which one is best for them. Most gutter guards are made up of vinyl, PVC, steel, aluminum, or copper. With all these options, homeowners are guaranteed to find the right look they want for their homes. Below, we share some benefits that make the effort of getting gutter guards installed worth it.
How Moss Affects Your Roof and How to Properly Clean It
Over time some homeowners often notice a green hue that keeps spreading across the roof of their homes. That green fuzzy-like substance is most often moss. Mildew, mold, and algae all have the potential to grow on top of roofs due to the moisture that is typically present, but moss has an easier time growing because it isn't picky about the conditions of its spot. Moss can grow upward with hair-like fuzz about half an inch to two inches tall, making roofs a prime location to cling on to.
Common Homeowner Question: Can I live In My Home While Getting My Roof Redone?
We don't blame people for having this question; it's a valid concern. The short answer is yes; you can stay in your home while installing your new roof. We understand that no one wants to replace their roof; it can be expensive and time-consuming. However, most homeowners are unable to avoid replacing at least one roof in their lifetime. When it comes to scheduling the new installation, you may be wondering what comes next. Can you stay in the home while they're working? Should you be home during installation? How loud is the installation? In this blog post, we will be answering all the questions that come with a new roof.
When is The Best Time of Year to Replace Your Roof?
If you’re reading this blog, you are probably considering getting a new roof. Not quite sure if your roof requires replacement? Consider reading one of our past blogs that talks about when you need to get in touch with professionals about a new roof. Roof installation is something that can’t happen year-round due to the ever-changing weather. The best time of year to schedule a new roof installation typically falls between April and October. These months are usually the prime time because of the appropriate weather conditions present.
Summertime Benefits of Metal Roofs
We all know how warm Louisville can get during July, making you want to reach for the thermostat to turn on the air conditioning. When turning the air on, it is expected that the energy bill will skyrocket for the month. What if I told you that there is a roofing material out there that can save you money by keeping you cool in the summer? Metal roofs have been around for years but what you probably didn't know is that high-quality metal roofs provide consumers with a modern way to keep air conditioning costs low. This type of roofing is one of the most efficient materials available today, making them a sought-after product when putting a new roof on.
Pros and Cons of Casement Windows vs Picture Windows
Choosing the right style of window for your home can be challenging, especially if you don’t options exist. Casement and picture windows are two popular options that create a classic look. These windows any house into a home. While there are multiple advantages to each window style, there are some drawbacks to each that should be addressed.
Current Home Trends – How to Bring Them into your Home
With ever-changing home trends, it’s almost impossible to feel that your home is “up-to-date.” As trends come and go, a few have caught our eye as long-term timeless designs. Not only does New Look Roof offer multiple roofing styles, but we also provide customers with endless options of different siding, windows, and gutters.
How It’s Made: Asphalt Shingles
As it becomes time to replace your roof, you may be wondering what materials are used to protect your home. Asphalt roof shingles are the most popular type of product used on houses. It’s reliable, stylish, and durable for many years to come. New Look Roof uses shingles that are made using fiberglass, which sandwiches asphalt between the layers and then is coated with ceramic particles. Each component of the shingles is used to weather-proof your home to protect every valuable inside.
Prevent Your Home from a Firework Disaster
Fireworks can be hazardous to your home. The color we see falling in from the night sky, beautiful as it may be, is a spark that can spell disaster for your home. In addition, all roofs are considered to be just as susceptible to flame no matter the material they are made of (asphalt, wood, or shake shingles). So how can you protect your home from run-away sparks this coming holiday?
Raise the Value of Your Home Through the Roof!
Style means everything in the home buying/selling world. Many homeowners choose to renovate various areas of their home before putting it on the market in hopes of increasing the value. So much can be said for interior renovations, but it is proven that the number one renovation to add value to a home is simply adding to the exterior eye appeal of a home. The housing market is exploding right now! Buyers can't keep up with each other and are already over-bidding the asking price by drastic amounts. Extend that asking price even further with these exterior renovation projects.
Safety While on the Roof
Safety is our absolute highest priority! Before anyone takes a step onto a roof, a member from our crew goes to the client’s house, examines the jobs, and reviews the best product and safety measures needed to keep our team cared for. In addition, we spend countless hours reading manuals, staying up to date on the latest information/trends; there is even a Roofing University. But what other steps are taken to keep roofers safe once they are at the job site?
How Gutters Protect the Foundation of Your Home
Nature-colored siding is a thing of the past. Instead, the most prominent emerging trend thus far in 2021 is colored siding. Having color attached to the outside of a home gives it pop and personality. Throughout the past decade, it was common for homeowners to choose white, gray, or a form of tan/brown as their siding color. However, now any color ranging from deep black or vibrant yellows, greens, and blues are becoming much more common.
Here is a list of siding colors to keep a lookout for in the oncoming months and years:
National Homeownership Month: What Makes a House a Home?
Like the song "Running For So Long" by Verése Sarabande says, "What makes a house a home?". As a roofing company, it would make sense for us to answer the question by saying, 'a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and a place to come together." That is precisely what we will go more in-depth about, but the true heartfelt answer is that the people inside the house make it a home. National Homeownership Month reminds us of the importance of following that American dream and creating a place for your family to be together. Here are the three other steps needed to make a house a home.
Colored Siding Trends in 2021
Nature-colored siding is a thing of the past. Instead, the most prominent emerging trend thus far in 2021 is colored siding. Having color attached to the outside of a home gives it pop and personality. Throughout the past decade, it was common for homeowners to choose white, gray, or a form of tan/brown as their siding color. However, now any color ranging from deep black or vibrant yellows, greens, and blues are becoming much more common.
How to Spot a Bad Roof Installation
There is nothing more irritating than finding out your significant investment was faulty or poorly constructed. When you invest in something like a new roof, you expect quality and precision. A proper roof installation should last you around 15-30 years or sometimes more, depending on the roof type. However, rushed or improper installation can wreak havoc on your home, costing you a pretty penny to replace much sooner than necessary. But how can you spot a lousy roof installation? Let’s take a look at a few of the common signs.
Benefits to Different Window Styles
When building a home or remodeling, there are many decisions to consider—one of those being what type of windows you should install. New Look can fit multiple different types into any home or project. Some of these options range from Double-Hung Windows to Picture Windows and Sliders to Bay Windows. But how do you decide which ones are the best for your home?
Roofs that Prevent Bat Infestations
Bats seek quiet and darkness with plenty of space to hang upside down and sleep during the day. Therefore, attics are incredibly enticing to bats. The most attractive type of roofing to bats are cedar shake shingles and tile roofing. Thankfully, New Look Roofing does not provide either of these options. The spacing between cedar shake shingles and tile roofing are large enough to allow bats easy access into the attic. However, it is easy for these critters to take up root in your home because they can fit through gaps as small as ½” or 12mm.
How Gutters Can Help to Protect the Foundation of Your Home
Gutters are an essential feature for most homes to have, as they siphon water away from the walls and foundation of the property, preventing a whole host of water-caused problems.
Handling Hail Damage with New Look Roof
Severe Thunderstorm Warning in Jefferson County
Those words strike fear into people. How bad is this storm going to be? Will there be a tornadic activity? Will there be hail damage? Questions rise and when disaster does strike it can leave you in a vulnerable position. You’ll have to make decisions, contact insurance companies, and start on the path to pick up the pieces and reach full recovery.