Safety While on the Roof
Safety is our absolute highest priority! Before anyone takes a step onto a roof, a member from our crew goes to the client’s house, examines the jobs, and reviews the best product and safety measures needed to keep our team cared for. In addition, we spend countless hours reading manuals, staying up to date on the latest information/trends; there is even a Roofing University. But what other steps are taken to keep roofers safe once they are at the job site?
Interestingly enough, most roofs are not created to be stood on, particularly ones with steep slopes in the shape of a “V.” The best way to walk across a roof is by using a toeboard. A toeboard is a long wooden board that is nailed down to create a walkway. Don’t worry though, the nails from the board don’t damage the roof unless they are removed incorrectly (which we would never do). This toe board acts as a safe place for the roofer to stand and prevents slippage of any kind.
Safety harnesses are used across multiple platforms of construction and even recreational use. This method is the most common and best understood. The sole purpose of a harness is to prevent injuries or even death if a roofer were to slip and fall. Accidents happen, but the loss of life should never occur.
Less thought of as far as safety goes is the uniform that a roofer wears while on the job. Long pants are a must to prevent any scratches or cuts. It also prevents discomfort while wearing the safety harness. Our crew never wears 100% polyester clothing because it is an incredibly thick and nonbreathable material; cotton or wool pants with no cuffs work best. Breathable long sleeves are also a viable option. Finally, light colors are always preferred. Black or other dark-colored materials trap heat, whereas lighter colors reflect up to 95% of UV light. Hats are highly recommended.
Finally, hydration is a necessary step to help keep roofers safe while on the job. Summer is our most popular season for jobs. Unfortunately, roofing falls into one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S. because of the extreme heat radiates off of a roof while a crew is doing their job and the sun is at its highest. Staying hydrated, taking many breaks, being physically fit, and eating a balanced meal is the best way to stay healthy while completing such demanding work. Sunscreen is also vital to stay healthy while on the job. We don’t want our crew turning into lobsters.
In conclusion, we care about our crew to the utmost. We teach our guys how to stay safe on the roof and take care of themselves in the process. We care about our workers just as much as we care for our clients. Trust us to provide you with a new roof that will be installed with the best possible quality. Call 502.341.4415 or visit
. New Look Roof specializes in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and repairs. We serve the greater Louisville area and pride ourselves on being industry-leading in materials, education, training, and craftsmanship. With over three generations in the roofing industry, you can bet that your experience at New Look Roof will exceed your expectations. We invite all potential clients to fill out a form online or call us directly at 502.341.4415!