How Gutters Can Help to Protect the Foundation of Your Home

Gutters are an essential feature for most homes to have, as they siphon water away from the walls and foundation of the property, preventing a whole host of water-caused problems.

And, while they come with their own set of problems – attracting nesting birds and requiring the occasional unclogging, for example – gutters can protect the structural integrity of a home, especially that home’s foundation, saving homeowners money, stress and time in the long run.

New Look Roof can install, clean, and protect your homes gutter which will protect your homes foundation and prevent further water damage.

Why are gutters needed to protect a home’s foundation from water?

One of the biggest culprits of damage done to buildings’ foundations is water – and when there’s no sufficient gutter system to divert water away from the perimeter of a home it can pool around a house, having a number of adverse effects on the foundation as a result.

When soil is saturated with water, it can put pressure on the foundation of a home, pushing it inward – in some cases, even causing the foundation to crack – or it can disrupt the structure of any below-ground levels of your home, such as basements and cellars, causing the walls to lean inwards.

Moreover, once the foundation becomes cracked, a house is more likely to endure flooding – and damp or mold as a consequence, as well as any potential odors that accompany this – as the pooling water is able to seep in through the breaks in the foundation.

When the soil dries, the pressure on the foundation is relieved and, as a result, chimneys and walls may be affected, and are likely to lean inwards or begin to crack.

New Look Roof helps prevent cracks and water damage to the foundation of the home. Gutters help prevent serious damage.

How do gutters prevent water damage to the foundation of a property?

Installing and maintaining a gutter system with a functional downspout is the best thing you can do to safeguard a home against foundation problems caused by water damage.

An effective gutter system will catch water or snow as it runs off the roof, collecting in the structures. Gutters ensure that the water from your roof is prevented from running down the walls of a home – which can erode and damage the walls – pooling at the bottom of the house, which makes the foundation susceptible to water damage and any subsequent structural problems.

After collecting in the gutters, the water is then directed through a downspout, where it is diverted away from the property, to where it can’t do any harm to the walls or foundation, as excess water is prevented from being absorbed by the soil around the perimeter of a home.

Moreover, for houses placed in particularly wet areas, it may also be a good idea to extend the gutter system with a downspout extension that diverts the collected water further away from the property. This way, you can be sure that the water isn’t making its way back to the soil around your home and wreaking structural havoc as a result.

Call New Look Roof at (502)341-4415 to install and guard your home’s gutters.


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