Our Blog.
Explore our blog for expert tips and tricks to keep your home safe, stylish, and protected throughout the year!
Handling Hail Damage with New Look Roof
Severe Thunderstorm Warning in Jefferson County
Those words strike fear into people. How bad is this storm going to be? Will there be a tornadic activity? Will there be hail damage? Questions rise and when disaster does strike it can leave you in a vulnerable position. You’ll have to make decisions, contact insurance companies, and start on the path to pick up the pieces and reach full recovery.
Does Your Roof Have Good Ventilation?
Roofs. It’s the main thing we do here. But more than that, we like to educate our viewers on roofing systems and the topic we’re going to focus on today is roof ventilation. It’s a topic that has slightly more appeal than paint drying, but it actually is important, and ignoring proper roof ventilation can cost you thousands of dollars and a ton of unforeseen circumstances.
A Few of Our Favorite Customer Reviews!
In the roofing industry reviews are everything. Over 90% of our industry is discovered by an Internet search. Because of that, it’s important for us to highlight our reputation based on the opinions of our customers.
Metal Roofing is a Great Option.
Metal Roofing beats out conventional roofing materials on a number of different counts:
Expected Life
Fire Resistant
Heat Conduction
Roof Pitch
Shedding of Rain and Snow