New Look Roof

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Why You Shouldn’t Replace a Window by Yourself

The windows are the eyes of your home. They allow the sunlight to come in and keep any unwanted sources outside. Your windows help regulate the temperature in your home and keep it ventilated when you need a breeze. Needless to say, your windows are important. The longer that you’ve lived in your home, you may begin to notice some changes. Either you feel a draft, your energy bills have risen, or you notice that your windows are clouding up due to condensation. There’s a very likely chance that you’re experiencing these issues because of your windows. If the time comes to replace your windows, don’t do this by yourself. There are a few reasons as to why this isn’t a good idea. Let’s talk about them:

It’s not worth it.

The first initiative behind doing a home improvement project like this by yourself is to be cost-efficient. You have to ask yourself, though, “Is it really worth it?” You still have to pay for the cost of the window itself. The only actual cost that you’re eliminating is the labor. It would be best if you kept in mind what comes with that labor cost. As long as you hire a reputable company, they should be licensed and insured. Depending on the area that you live in, you may require a permit to make these changes to your home. A professional will be able to handle all of that. Plus, the good companies will give you a warranty, so you know the window will last you a long time.

You can damage your home.

In hindsight, this may seem like an easy project. But it’s not exactly as simple as putting slot A into slot B. The measurements have to be precise, and you have to be extremely careful. A professional will be able to tell you what type of windows are best for your home, and what will last you the longest. Some people believe that they need to order the same kind of window that they’re replacing. False. Better window systems have likely been developed since your original windows were installed. Those will last you longer. If you damage the frame to your window, then you’ll be required to replace that. At that point, it would’ve been cheaper just to have someone come out and do it.

You can hurt yourself.

While this project isn’t necessarily as risky as getting up on the roof, it still can be dangerous. Especially if you’re dealing with the windows on the second floor of your home. Every step of a window replacement takes knowledge and skills that take time to learn. From insulating the edges to glazing the panes, or installing the seals, this can be a difficult job, and we don’t want you to hurt yourself in the process. If you’re hesitant to have a company install it, ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for information about their work or for references. Questions are free, and you’re protecting yourself by asking them.

Helpful fixes.

We understand that a window replacement isn’t always in the budget. If you feel like a lot of heat is escaping through the windows, you can vacuum seal them with plastic. It’s not a permanent fix, but it will help keep your home a bit warmer. If you want to improve the seal of your windows, you can also try to caulk and weather strip them. You can find those materials at your local hardware store.

We hope that this information has been helpful to you! If you’re reading this because you’re in the middle of trying to replace a window and need help, call us. We’re here to help you through it all. Have a great rest of your week!

-New Look Roof Team

For any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at, we hope you have a great day and thanks for reading! 

- Julian