New Look Roof

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The Best Time of the Year to Replace Your Siding

Spring is on the way! Which means you’ve probably got a few home improvements idea in the back of your mind. This is the best time of year to replace your siding. It’s not too hot, nor too cold, and the temperatures are just right to install new updates on your home. For many reasons, spring is an excellent time of year. Today I would like to talk about a few ideas as to why it’s the best time of year to get your siding replaced.

Lower energy bills.

After you’ve lived in your home for a few years, you become comfortable with the average amount of how much your bills should cost. If you noticed a spike in your energy bills this winter, your siding could be the reason why. Once siding ages, it loses the ability to insulate your home and keep the heat inside. When this happens, it forces your furnace to work harder and kick out more power, making your bills spike up. Along with that, in the summertime, when you’re trying to keep your home cooled off, having proper siding will help with that as well.

It will last you.

The durability and longevity of your siding will also depend on the materials that you choose to use. When it comes to siding, you can choose from using vinyl, wood, aluminum, brick, stone, and fiber cement. These all have their pros and cons, and different benefits for different areas of living. Any new material, installed correctly, should last you for years to come. If you’re using a material such as vinyl, you don’t want that to be installed in the winter. The reason that I say this is because vinyl is temperature-sensitive, and it can become damaged if it’s not installed during the right temperatures. Also, any reputable contractor will offer you a warranty for their work. Always ask questions, especially about a warranty so that you aren’t dealing with any siding related issues next winter!

Prevent any storm damage.

We’ve all heard the expression, “April showers bring May flowers.” Spring, and even some parts of summer, are known for being the heaviest months of rain during the year. If the home's siding is damaged at all, it puts you at risk for other disasters that are much worse than a storm. If your siding suffers damage after a storm, it may have holes or cracking. You want to avoid letting this happen because those holes will become the new home of many different types of insects. Termites, ants, and other bugs can burrow themselves into your siding and cause more damage. Along with that, if there’s any moisture in your siding, it can allow growth. With any growth, will come mold. If you’re worried that your home is at risk for these issues happening, have a professional come out and do a proper inspection.

These are just a few key points to help keep you protected from any damage. If you have any further questions, you can always contact us. Thank you for reading!

-New Look Roof Team

For any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at, we hope you have a great day and thanks for reading! 

- Julian