Spring Cleaning Your Roof Checklist

Ah, yes, spring is almost here. As the weather begins to warm up, you should take some time to look at your roof. Fall and winter can put quite a toll on your roof, and it’s worth it to give it some TLC.  While many think of spring cleaning as a way to get the interior of your home refreshed after the colder months, you should also translate this to the exterior of your home. A little attention each season can help extend the lifetime of your roof. 

Here are a few items to pay attention to when inspecting your roof this spring:


After the winter months have passed, it is likely that your gutters are once again full of leaves, pine needles, and other debris. Even if you did an excellent job cleaning them out in the fall, winter would have taken its toll. Having clean gutters is vital for your roof’s structural integrity. If your gutters are blocked, water can begin to pool in irregular places, leaving the rest of your roof (shingles, tiling, siding, etc.) vulnerable to damage. When the Louisville rain inevitably comes in the spring, and your gutters don’t allow the water to drain correctly, this can cause a myriad of problems.

Consider hiring a professional to clean your gutters if you are inexperienced at working on your roof. Climbing all over your roof without the proper technique or equipment can damage your shingles!

New Look Roof • Spring Cleaning • Louisville, KY

 Algae and Mold

Once you’ve cleaned your gutters out, consider using a pressure washer or a ‘soft wash’ to remove any mold, algae, or mildew that might be growing on your shingles.

Professionals use pressure washers, but these are not always recommended for individuals to use clean a roof, as using them without the proper technique can damage your shingles and cause them to lift or even peel away from the roof entirely.

On the other hand, a soft wash is a lot safer for you to use on your roof yourself. What is soft washing? Soft washing is a way for you to clean your roof using chemicals and a lighter spray than a pressure washer. The chemical cleaner you purchase will help break down organic materials and make them much easier to wash away.

Once spring has arrived, consider hiring a roofing company to pressure wash your roof for you, or do some research into how to soft wash it yourself!

 Shingle Inspection

Inspecting your roof each spring to see how the winter has treated it is an essential step in your spring cleaning process. Shingles are the first line of defense that your roof has. Try to do your inspection from the ground if possible, as climbing on your roof yourself can be dangerous and can do more harm to your roof than good.

When inspecting your roof from the ground, keep an eye out for:

  • Missing shingles. Missing shingles can leave a bare, exposed spot on your roof that can leave your roof vulnerable to infrastructure damage like flooding.

  •  Curling shingles. This is often caused by poor insulation and ventilation. These shingles are the ones most likely to pop off next.

  • Stained shingles. The last thing to check your shingles for is any sign of stains or streaking, as this is a tell-tale sign of a leak in your roof.

New Look Roof • Shingle Inspection • Louisville, KY

General Wear and Tear

Finally, keep an eye out for general wear and tear to your roof on a large scale. This stuff is relatively easy to spot. Are your gutters starting to pull away from your foundation? Are they rusting? Is your roof sagging or buckling in areas?  

Keep in mind that your roof may have suffered damage that you can’t simply see from a glance. This is especially true if you’re not entirely sure what to look for. Most people simply can’t spot the small holes or other little signs that a seasoned roofer would know to look for.  

While some may try to complete the spring cleaning process on their own, the untrained eye simply can’t spot the things that a professional can. When you hire a professional roofer, not only will the entire process move more quickly, but you can be sure that nothing was missed during the inspection. Our roofing professionals at New Look Roof have the expertise and equipment to make sure your inspection is thorough and comprehensive the first time around. Let us give your roof a refresher, and contact us today for your free no-obligation spring inspection!


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