Pros & Cons of Bay Windows

Bay windows are a unique formation of three windows joined together to form a functional unit. These windows are angled and protrude from the structure of the house. Bay windows are designed to add more space and bring in more light. Often they add style to your home and add a larger panoramic view to the outdoors. Bay windows can be a great asset to your home; they are beautiful, visually appealing, and can serve many benefits. Let's look into the different pros and cons of bay windows, helping you decide whether they are a good fit for your home. 

New Look Roof • Bay Windows • Louisville, KY


Create More Space 

Due to their large size and structure, bay windows open up a room, making it feel much larger than before. They also provide you with a more magnificent view of the outdoors, making you feel like you are outside. 

Add More Light 

Not only do bay windows open up your home, but they also bring in more light than your typical window. Bay windows consist of three larger windows, therefore drawing in more natural light. 

Add Ventilation

Bay windows can be either casement or double-hung, allowing the windows to open without affecting the window's look. 

Add a Cozy Alcove to Your Home

If you are seeking to add more seating to your home, or a cozy space to relax and read a book or cup of coffee, bay windows are a perfect choice. Because of their round shape, you can create a seating area with cushions and pillows that decorate your home and serve as a comfy place to sit. 

Add More Value 

Bay windows can also add more value to your home with their elegant, modern, and fresh look. People love the way bay windows look, and they add a visually appealing element to your home. They also create a focal point in your home, drawing in more attraction from those passing by. 

New Look Roof • Bay Windows • Louisville, KY


Can Make Your Room Very Hot in the Summer 

Although bay windows can be opened to bring in fresh air, they can also bring a lot of heat into your home in the summer. Because of the large windows and the temperature in the summer, bay windows can feel like you are in a greenhouse if there are no shades. 

Difficult to Choose Curtain Rods

It can be challenging to choose curtain rods that fit a bay window because of its size and angles. You may need to find or order custom shades or curtains to fit your window. 

They Won't Work In Every Situation

Bay windows extend outside of your house by up to 2 feet. Therefore it wouldn't be a smart idea to place a bay window near a sidewalk or street. 

Repairs Can Be Costly 

Because of their unique design and shape, bay window repairs can be more costly than your typical window. 

Longer Installation Process

Installing a nontraditional window like a bay window takes more time and is often more expensive than your typical window. 

Overall, when it comes to a windows style and shape, there are various pros and cons. Therefore, it is essential to look into the details to determine if bay windows are a good fit for your home. Bay windows are unique and could bring an elegant, eye-catching look to your home. Reach out today if you are interested in updating your home with bay windows.

New Look Roof • Bay Windows • Louisville, KY

Different Window Styles: Part 1


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