New Look Roof

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National Homeownership Month: What Makes a House a Home?

Like the song "Running For So Long" by Verése Sarabande says, "What makes a house a home?". As a roofing company, it would make sense for us to answer the question by saying, 'a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and a place to come together." That is precisely what we will go more in-depth about, but the true heartfelt answer is that the people inside the house make it a home. June is National Homeownership Month and it reminds us of the importance of following that American dream and creating a place for your family to be together. Here are the three other steps needed to make a house a home.


A family can't enjoy their time together if they are worried about the roof caving in on top of them. To feel safe is of top priority. Having a sturdy roof improves your home's energy efficiency, protects against the elements, and preserves your home's air quality. Knowing your family is safe and cared for is of utmost importance to a homeowner.


Reflect Your Personality

Your home is your place to be yourself, relax, and be creative. Your personality will shine through in all your choices, whether it be the furniture you choose, the flowers planted out front, or even the color of siding you choose. What style of home describes you best?


Being a homeowner is an investment for the future, not just your own, but you're your families as well. "A recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that most households view housing as a good investment in comparison to the stock market." Says The most important legacy you could ever have is your family; give them a place to call home for generations to come.


#CreatingAHome – New Look Roof wants to help you bring your homeowning dream to life. Give us a call to help put a sturdy, trustworthy roof over your head. We can also help with installing protective windows, colorful siding, and fixing gutters. Take a look at or call 502.341.4415.

What makes a house a home to you?

New Look Roof specializes in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and repairs. We serve the greater Louisville area and pride ourselves on being industry leading in materials, education, training, and craftsmanship. With over three generations in the roofing industry you can bet that your experience at New Look Roof will exceed your expectations. We invite all potential clients to fill out a form online or call us directly at 502.341.4415!