How to Protect Your Roof From Storm Damage

Frequently storms sneak up on us unexpectedly, one day it is sunny, and 70 degrees and the next is 90mph winds and heavy rains. Therefore it is essential to be proactive and take the necessary measures to ensure your home is ready for any storm. Whether it is hail, heavy rain, lightning, heavy winds, etc. damage can be done to your roof if you do not take the proper precautions. Preparation is the key when it comes to any storm. Let’s dive into some of the best safety measures you can take to protect your roof from storm damage. 

Be Aware of Your Insurance Policies

Before any storm occurs, it is essential to know exactly what your insurance covers because, depending on the type of damage, it could be covered, or it could not. Knowing what your deductible is and how to file a claim is also important. It is also important to consider the age of your roof to see if it is beneficial to replace the entire roof because often insurance policies won’t cover much of the cost depending on the age. If you find that your roof is over ten years old, it might be a good idea to contact a roof inspector to ensure there has been no damage added to your roof over the years. Taking a photo of your roof before and after the damage can help with the documentation for your insurance company. Depending on the insurance company, you may get reimbursed for the damage. 

Replace Older, Missing, or Damaged Shingles 

If your shingles are damaged before a storm occurs, you may find the issues worse than you imagined. It is necessary to think ahead and make these repairs before a storm hits to eliminate the possibility for flooding or water damage. Extreme heat can create cracks or tears in your roofing, so be on the lookout for curled or damaged shingles that could cause significant problems after heavy rains. Heavy winds can rip off shingles as well if they are not properly maintained. 

Watch Your Trees

It is vital to trim or cut down large branches or trees that are dead or hanging near your roof. If a massive storm comes with powerful winds, these heavy branches could fall, creating a hole in the roof. Not only will fallen trees damage your home, but you will also be liable for the damage resulting in extensive repairs. 

Consider Adding Hail Guards or Shields

Hail can create a lot of damage on roofs. These hard pellets can dent or crack your roof during a heavy storm. Therefore, it may be necessary to add hail guards or shields to protect your roof from the possible damage. 

Storms can create a lot of unexpected damage to a home if the preparation is not put in place. Therefore, it is essential to take care of your roof and inspect it regularly for any damage. Little crack or dents may not seem like significant issues now, but those small cracks can lead to major water damage. Take the necessary precautions now, so you are prepared for the worst.


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