New Look Roof

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How Thunderstorms Can Impact Your Roof

Spring is coming! Do you know what that means? Here come the thunderstorms. It rains more in the spring than in any other season in Louisville, and we can have some strong thunderstorms when the conditions are right.

But what does that mean for your roof? Is it prepared for the weather? Do you know what to do should your roof be damaged this spring? Intense storms are the bane of many homeowners’ existence because of the damage they can cause to the exterior of your home. It is crucial to have your roof inspected before these thunderstorms roll through, so any cracks can be repaired and shingles replaced before the rain begins.

Before you contact a roofer to inspect your roof for spring readiness, here is a quick list of the most common ways that thunderstorms can impact your roof:


If your home is near any large trees, you are more at risk of their limbs damaging your roof. High winds, heavy snow, and lightning are each quite capable of snapping limbs or even felling a tree directly onto your roof!

Be proactive and keep your nearby trees trimmed. This is especially important if you have large limbs that hang over any part of your home. Enough damage from a tree limb falling on your roof can cause you to need a total roof replacement.

Water Damage

Even though a roof’s purpose is to protect your home from the elements, such as rain, that does not mean that your roof is immune to rain damage from thunderstorms. While roofs are rarely damaged by rain on its own, coupled with the damage caused by wind and hail, it can be catastrophic for your home.

Existing vulnerabilities such as missing shingles, tiles, or improper installations can cause rain to leak into your home and cause significant water damage. Rain is often the culprit for water damage in the attic. This water can seep into your walls and cause damage to the basic structure of your home.


Hail frequently comes with thunderstorms in the Louisville area. You never know what to expect from tiny pea-sized hail up to baseball-sized ice chunks in an Ohio River Valley spring. Hail can cause significant damage to not just your roof but to your windows, siding, and just about anything else outside.

Regardless of the type of roof that you have, hailstorms can cause damage to your shingles and create holes and cracks in your roof’s infrastructure. If left untreated, these damages can worsen and become large cracks and gaps that can potentially lead to you needing a complete roof replacement.

Wind Damage 

Thunderstorms are almost always accompanied by strong, fast-moving winds that wreak havoc in their path. These winds are one of the most common causes of roof damage in residential and commercial structures in Louisville.

Wind rips off shingles and can loosen/rip off your gutter system. If the wind is strong enough, it can even cause damage to your roof’s frame itself.  

Even if you don’t notice damage to your roof after a strong storm, it is still recommended that you call a local roofer for an inspection. This is especially true if you see damage to other roofs in your area, trees with snapped limbs, or trash cans and shrubberies that have been blown around in the street. If you don’t, you risk more damage to your home during the next round of storms.

New Look Roof is here to help. If your home has suffered through an intense thunderstorm, don’t hesitate to give us a call for your free inspection, no commitment required! We’ll tell you honestly if the storm has damaged your home, and if it needs to be repaired, we’re the ones for the job.