New Look Roof

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How Moss Affects Your Roof and How to Properly Clean It

Over time some homeowners often notice a green hue that keeps spreading across the roof of their homes. That green fuzzy-like substance is most often moss. Mildew, mold, and algae all have the potential to grow on top of roofs due to the moisture that is typically present, but moss has an easier time growing because it isn't picky about the conditions of its spot. Moss can grow upward with hair-like fuzz about half an inch to two inches tall, making roofs a prime location to cling on to. 

Is Moss Damaging My Roof?

Moss is usually the most damaging to roofs as compared to mold, mildew, and algae. It can cause severe damage to your roof if left untreated, here’s how: 

1)    The root-like growths on the plant can get into the roofing material, speeding up the deterioration of each shingle, increasing your chances for a leak.

2)    The damage done by the roots puts your home at risk of UV damage.

3)    Another problem from not taking care of your roof and allowing the moss to spread is water flow restriction. Large clumps of moss can act as a dam on top of the roof, limiting water from running off the shingles and sitting on top instead. 

4)    Moss can make its way under the shingles, causing them to lift. Uplifted shingles allow water to seep into the lower layers of the roof, and eventually, your home.

How to Get Rid of Moss:

Cleaning moss off is essential to protecting the roof's longevity, but sometimes you can cause more damage to the roof by doing it yourself. By trying to pull moss off by hand, you most likely won't be successful. Moss grows strong roots to keep it attached to the shingles. Chemical solutions are often used to help loosen the roots and allow for easier removal. We advise you not to get on the roof for this process. Instead, call a professional or use a ladder to reach the roof height. 

You'll need:

-  Garbage bag

-  Hose

-  Ladder

-  A moss-specific cleaner (make sure there is no bleach and that it's EPA rated).

Steps to take:

1)    Safely set up a ladder and begin spraying the moss

2)    Follow the manufacturer's instructions for allowing the solution to sit on the moss; it's typically 10-15 minutes. 

3)    Use the hose on low pressure and gently rinse the moss off. The moss will slowly wash away. Please pay special attention to not allowing the water to get beneath the shingles because they could lift. If you find that the moss isn't coming off, still be sure to rinse thoroughly because if the chemicals are left on the shingles, it can cause lasting damage.

4)    Any remaining moss should be loose enough for you to pull it off manually.

5)    If there is still moss that is too difficult to remove, consult with a professional roofer for their opinion.


Professional Opinion:

Moss and other growths on roofs can be a frustrating and tricky thing to tackle. If you're unsure about treating your roof for moss yourself, don't hesitate to contact a professional company. Here at New Look, we offer free consultations, so if you need a professional opinion, contact us, and we'll get someone out there as soon as possible.

New Look Roof specializes in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and repairs. We serve the greater Louisville area and pride ourselves on being industry-leading in materials, education, training, and craftsmanship. With over three generations in the roofing industry, you can bet that your experience at New Look Roof will exceed your expectations. We invite all potential clients to fill out a form online or call us directly at 502.341.4415!