New Look Roof

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Hallmarks of a Good Roofing Company_ Financial Transparency

When the time comes to begin a major roofing project–whether that’s fixing a major leak, replacing your shingles, or replacing your roof altogether–it is essential to be picky and selective when choosing a roofing company. Your home is a valuable asset, and anyone who works on it should be capable of work that equals that value.  

One of the most critical aspects of an excellent roofing company is financial transparency. Any roofing company worth their stuff will be clear, honest, and thorough regarding quotes, costs, and billing.

It’s hard to know in advance if a roofing company is financially transparent or not, so here are a few warning signs to look for:

  1. The initial consultation costs money. No contractor of any merit would charge a client to come and give a project estimate simply. If they try to bill you for their price quote before you have even decided to give them your business, run the other direction!

  2. They refuse to provide any references or contact information for their past clients. This is a huge red flag. The only reason they would refuse to provide these references is if they had something to hide.

  3. Price quote/financing agreement is not put into writing. Make sure you get all of your financial arrangements written down, so there is no confusion or issues later on. If they do not put these things in writing, there is potential for those numbers to look quite different down the road, and you would have no proof to lean back on.

  4. You’re asked to pay for the job upfront. Never pay the full cost of a job before it is completed. This prevents scammers from coming in, taking your money, and hitting the road. If you are asked to pay for the project upfront, do not sign that contract!

  5. There’s no policy for handling unsatisfied customers. Make sure you ask them how they handle mess-ups and customers who are not happy with their work. If they have no designated policy to fix the issues, this is another red flag!

Now, here are the green flags!

  1. Your initial consultation is free. Any roofing company worth their stuff is not going to charge you for a price quote. It is normal and standard for the project estimate and evaluation to be 100% free of charge.

  2. They provide plenty of references and contacts. This is a roofing company that is proud of their work and wants to show that off. If they do not hesitate to provide a number of references for you to choose from, this is a good sign that they are financially transparent.

  3. The price quote and financing agreements are put into writing. Every aspect of your roofing job should be in writing, but it is imperative to get these monetary details written down. A good roofing company will appoint a knowledgeable employee to review these documents with you and answer any questions you may have.

  4. You only pay a percentage upfront. A typical down payment is 10% upfront. The remaining balance is either paid alongside the project as it is completed or at the end after all of the work is done. This is typical. Never pay for a project in its entirety upfront!

  5. They have ways to address unsatisfied customers. Make sure you ask your roofer before you sign any contract how they deal with unsatisfactory work. Good roofing companies will not accept payment until you are 100% satisfied and will do what is necessary to remedy any issues.

If you’re looking for a quality roofing company that is financially transparent and trustworthy, look no further than New Look Roof! Our customers are our lifeline, and we take great pride in the service we provide to them.  

Call us today at (502) 341-4415  to schedule your free consultation and project estimate!