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Do Solar Panels Hurt Your Roof?

What Are Solar Panels?

Solar panels are panels that accumulate sunlight and convert it into electricity. These panels are composed of various solar cells consisting of different elements like phosphorus, boron, and silicon. When these panels absorb photons from the sun, it initiates an electric current. Solar panels typically last 30-35 years if installed correctly. 

How Do Solar Panels Benefit Your Home?

Solar panels are a practical way to bring electricity into a home without using the primary utility electric grid. They are clean and renewable energy sources. Solar panels are a cheaper electricity alternative because once they are adequately installed, there are no extra expenses for the remainder of its lifespan. 

Common Concerns 

Solar panels are a great, economically, and environmentally friendly option for your home. However, before purchasing, many homeowners have concerns regarding the impact solar panels can have on their home. Many wonder if the weight of the solar panels will hinder their home structure, or if the holes and bolts used to install and secure the panels will cause leaks within the home. These are valid concerns to keep in mind, so be sure to contact a professional in the industry to be sure solar panels are the right option for your home. 

Are Solar Panels Harmful to Your Roof?

Today, people are continuously searching for ways to save money and save the environment, and solar panels are a great way to do that. However, are solar panels a good option for your home? Solar panels have many benefits and can be a great asset to your home. Roof damage due to solar panels is extremely rare; however, they should not be placed on every home. Let's take a look at some of the various circumstances in which solar panels could cause harm to your roof

1. Your roof is old and outdated 

If your home is old and outdated, there are chances that the structure of your roof cannot support solar panels. Solar panels are heavy and could alter your roof's structure if placed on an old roof. Suppose you are looking to add solar panels to your historic home. In that case, it may be best to contact a professional to investigate and evaluate your roof's overall quality to ensure it would be a safe choice.  

2. Your roof needs repairs

Solar panels can be harmful to a roof if it requires various repairs. Whether it be missing shingles, holes, or have inadequate flashing, etc. your roof must be free of issues and repairs to support solar panels. It is essential to repair your roof before adding solar panels. 

3. Solar panels are not installed properly

When adding solar panels to a home, it is vital to have them installed properly by a professional in the field. By letting an amateur install your solar panels, you risk having complications that may end up harming your roof in the long run. Installing solar panels in the proper locations on your roof, with the appropriate materials is essential. When solar panels are placed on a home, drill holes and bolts are used to secure the rack that holds the solar panels correctly. Without proper education, these holes could result in leaks or other damage. Installers are trained and knowledgeable on how to install solar panels to ensure your roof is protected properly. These professionals will guarantee flashing is installed around the areas to seal off the area and protect against water seepage. Hiring a professional to install your solar panels is essential in avoiding harm to your roof. 

Solar panels could be a great asset to your home, but it is crucial to research and take precautions to make sure your roof is out of harm's way. If you are looking to add solar panels to your home, be sure to hire a professional who evaluates your home prior and clearly explains what they are doing. As long as your roof is in prime condition and your installers take the necessary precautions to prevent leaks and other damage, solar panels are very unlikely to hurt your roof.