Different Window Styles: Part 2

As mentioned a few weeks ago, windows come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Each window is unique yet serves the same purpose; you bring in natural light and give you a view of the outdoors. I previously talked about four different window styles: Casement, Double-hung, Awning, and Picture windows. Today we will discuss the benefits and consequences of four more window styles: Transom, Slider, Stationary, and Bay/Bow windows. 

Transom Windows

Transom windows are a unique style of window that much narrower than your typical window. They first appeared in 14th Century Europe, fell out of style in the '70s and 80', and have recently become a popular design element in homes today. These windows can either be opened or can be permanently stationary. They are smaller in size and are typically mounted above a door or window to let in more light. Transom windows are usually rectangular, horizontal, and are the length of your door; however, they can be customized to your liking. These windows are easy to install but require high ceilings and must have enough structural support. Transom windows can add a unique style to your home because they can be etched into or shaped in a unique way that fits your home's style. These windows are also highly functional in improving airflow and circulation in a room through the use of ventilation. Transom windows are not the perfect fit for every home because of their structure, however, If your home is structured correctly, they are a great option to not only dress up your home but add more natural light. 

New Look Roof • Transom Windows • Louisville, KY

Slider Windows

Slider windows are a functional, easy operating window in which one window slides horizontally past another. These windows are typically found in more modern or contemporary- style houses. Slider windows are known for their accessibility, full views, and compressed profile. They are energy efficient and are a great ventilation option if you are looking to add more fresh air into your home. These windows are also very durable and bring in a lot of natural light. Slider windows are excellent for large, broad areas and can be used in areas where space is limited. 

They come in many styles and materials, providing you with various design options. There are many advantages to slider windows, including their low maintenance and high energy efficiency. 

New Look Roof • Slider Windows • Louisville, KY

Stationary Windows 

Like their name, stationary windows, or fixed windows, windows stay in place and cannot be opened. However, these windows are easily customizable and can be shaped in any shape or size. Stationary windows are typically found in modern or contemporary homes that include operating windows as well. They are a perfect option if you are seeking to add more light to your home in an area where ventilation is not needed. These windows are relatively inexpensive in comparison to other windows because they are stationary. Since these windows are inoperable, they provide excellent security from intruders or pests. However, they also do not provide access outdoors in case of an emergency. Stationary windows can also be challenging to clean because they do not operate and must be cleaned from the outdoors. 

New Look Roof • Stationary Windows • Louisville, KY

Bay or Bow Windows 

Bay or bow windows are a unique window style that creates a focal point in a home. As mentioned in a previous blog, these windows are a beautiful design element and can be utilized for different purposes. When appropriately structured, bay windows can create extra seating or a cozy area to lounge. Bay and bow windows are used to open up space. Bay windows typically consist of a center picture window and a smaller window on each side, while a bow window is more curved and can be structured with five or five separate windows. These windows protrude outside the home, creating a unique design element from both the interior and exterior of a home. With that being said, bay and bow windows do not fit every home's structure and must be positioned in an area that does not cover a sidewalk or area where people tend to walk. These windows are a great asset to any home because of their unique look and curb appeal. 

New Look Roof • Bay or Bow Windows • Louisville, KY

Overall, when designing a home or adding updates to a home, there are many different window styles to choose from. From beauty to function, each window has benefits and consequences. Therefore, take the time to be informed about each style because you may never know which style best suits your home. 

If you want to add new windows to your home, contact us today for a free estimate!


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