New Look Roof

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Dealing with a Roof Leak From Start to Finish

When your roof is leaking, it can be a horrible feeling. “Where is it coming from?” “How bad is it?” “It’s supposed to rain this week!” The first thing to remember is to step back and attack the problem in steps. That’s what this article is here to do for you; to help you break your response down into achievable steps.

Step #1: Locate and isolate the problem.

This is probably the first step you took, and likely without actively looking for it. Whether you stepped in a puddle of water or heard dripping from the ceiling, you somehow discovered a leak in your home. Take some time to identify the problem area and do a quick sweep of your home to ensure this is the only location where there’s water damage. This will save the roofers time and save you some peace of mind.

Step #2: Move furniture, appliances, and other objects.

After discovering the leak, this was probably your initial reaction. Any objects that could be damaged by water should be immediately moved to a dry area. Make sure to unplug all appliances and get them somewhere dry as well. However, if the appliance has already come into contact with the water, do not touch it. The safest thing you can do is wait for the professionals to show up and handle it safely. Do not attempt to unplug it or dry it yourself and turn it on. You could be electrocuted!

Step #3: Catch incoming water.

If you can put down a bowl or pot to catch water while you wait for roofers to show up, do this immediately. Sometimes leaks are too close to the wall (or inside the wall), and you can’t do anything to catch the water. But, in a situation where you can mitigate further damage, do what you can to prevent further water damage.

Step #4: Call your insurance company.

 Every insurance company is slightly different, so give them a call before calling in roofers. Ensure that before you invite professionals into your home to start fixing the problem, you take whatever pictures necessary and gather any proof that your insurance requires to make filing your claim that much easier on everyone.

Step #5: Research and hire a roofer.

Choosing a roofer in itself can feel overwhelming. When doing so, make sure you are asking the right questions in the investigatory process: What is my budget? Who are the top-rated roofers in my area? Do they have reviews they can provide? Are they licensed? Do they meet safety requirements? And finally, what kinds of warranties do they offer?

Once you’ve narrowed your list down and selected a roofer, give them a call to set up an appointment. Most roofers can schedule last-minute emergency appointments if necessary and can get to you promptly to fix your problem.

There’s never a convenient time for your roof to leak, but following these steps can ensure that you mitigate the damage as much as possible while waiting for your roofing company to arrive. If you’re looking for professional and responsive roofers, look no further than New Look Roof. Call us today at (502) 341-4415 for a free inspection and price quote.