New Look Roof

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Common Homeowner Question: Can I live In My Home While Getting My Roof Redone?

We don't blame people for having this question; it's a valid concern. The short answer is yes; you can stay in your home while installing your new roof. We understand that no one wants to replace their roof; it can be expensive and time-consuming. However, most homeowners are unable to avoid replacing at least one roof in their lifetime. When it comes to scheduling the new installation, you may be wondering what comes next. Can you stay in the home while they're working? Should you be home during installation? How loud is the installation? In this blog post, we will be answering all the questions that come with a new roof.

Staying in the house during installation:

If you and your family choose to stay during installation, be aware of what comes with that decision. It is possible, but there will be noise and mess during the process. If you have pets and or children, it may be wise to remove them from the home during the day if feasible. When that's not an option, be sure to keep pets on a leash or in a designated area where they won't be in the way of the workers or have the possibility of getting hurt. Keep children indoors for their safety as well. During installation, workers will be working hard to get your roof done in a short amount of time; while doing so, they often throw items down off the roof. If children or pets are outside, they may get hit with a not so lovely surprise from above. 


Do you have to be home for the installation?

The answer is no; you don't need to be home during the installation process. Before installation day, we will come out, talk to you about your concerns and ask you a few questions. If, by chance, we need you during the workday, be sure to keep your phone close by as we may try to reach you throughout the day.

The noise level during installation:

The noise level varies on a few components: insulation, the number of stories the house has, and your sensitivity to noise. If a house is thoroughly insulated, that should help with the amount of noise. The insulation in the attic and ceilings will hopefully trap as much sound as possible, limiting your exposure to it. The number of stories in a home also helps determine how noisy the installation process will be for your family. If the house is a two-story home, and you're on the main level, you probably won't hear a lot since there is a whole house level between you and the roof. However, if the house is only a one-story home, you may be more prone to hearing the workers on the roof. Some people are more sensitive to noise than others. If you know that you or your family members (such as your furry friends) are more sensitive, it's a good idea to get out of the house at least for a few hours. 

Hire the professionals:

At New Look Roof, we take special care in making you and your family feel comfortable during the installation process. Our crew understands the strain a house under construction can have on the family members inside. We hope that this blog helped answer any questions you may have had about the installation process of getting a new roof! Please contact New Look Roof if you have any other questions. We can't wait to hear from you!

New Look Roof specializes in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and repairs. We serve the greater Louisville area and pride ourselves on being industry-leading in materials, education, training, and craftsmanship. With over three generations in the roofing industry, you can bet that your experience at New Look Roof will exceed your expectations. We invite all potential clients to fill out a form online or call us directly at 502.341.4415!