5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Roofing Company

So you need to hire roofers. Whatever the problem, choosing who to hire can be an overwhelming process. Simply Googling ‘roofers in my area’ can show you why–there are dozens of options on just the first search page! So, where do you start? Here are a few important questions to ask when you’re in the prospecting part of this process. 

What’s the problem? 

Identifying the problem with your roof is important, even if you can’t identify the specific source of the issue. Is water coming in through the wall? Go to google if you’re unsure, but eventually, your research will direct you to a specific problem, in this case, a leak. You don’t necessarily need to know where the leak is coming from or how bad it is, that is for the roofers to figure out. Any roofer worth their stuff will provide a free inspection and price estimate. If they charge you money for a diagnostic, that is a red flag. 

New Look Roof • Budget • Louisville, KY

What is my budget? 

Next, research the average costs of repairs for the problem you have identified. When you research, try to stick with local companies, as different states may have varying costs of roof repair. Make sure you keep these prices handy when you are given a price quote, so you know if you are being overcharged or not. Decide how much you can afford to spend monthly, and look for a company that provides financing. Remember, a busted roof will cost more in the long run than getting it fixed. 

Who are the top-rated roofers in my area? 

In your research, make sure to look at reviews from customers across a variety of platforms. Google, Facebook, Linkedin, all of these platforms have review capability, and any roofing company worth the hire will have their review on full display. Check with the Better Business Bureau as well! Whoever you choose, you want them to be fully transparent. If they seem like they are burying reviews, this is a red flag. So is buying reviews. If the only reviews you can find are perfect 5-star reviews, this can also be a warning sign that they paid reviewers to falsely inflate their numbers. 

New Look Roof • Research Contractors • Louisville, KY

How can I verify that they will be safe and have proper licenses? 

Once you’ve narrowed down a few options, it is time to make sure you’re properly informed on their safety measures and documented licenses. If you’ve done your research properly up until now, you’ve likely narrowed down a few popular and highly rated roofers. And while this typically means they have all of the correct legal paperwork, don’t take that for granted. Any roofer who is worth hiring would be happy to provide you with proof of their documentation, as well as their safety guidelines for their employees. If it seems like they’re trying to hide something, they probably are! Go with your gut, and don’t just take their word for it. 

What kinds of warranties do they provide? 

Lastly, make sure that the company you choose provides a warranty. Typically, roofing warranties last a year or more. However, a longer warranty is not necessarily better. What matters more is the company’s intent on following through on that contract should a problem arise. Ask for customer references who can vouch for the roofers following through on their warranty. Ask them specific questions, such as how long did it take them to follow through and fix the issue, and whether or not the issue was fixed in the end.  

Choosing a roofing company is an important decision, and can be difficult to make when you’re dealing with the frustration of your roof experiencing problems. Use this guide and do your research to make sure you are going about this process in the most efficient and thorough way. 


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